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Kasten by Veeam Unveils Kubestr, Open Source Solution to Identify, Evaluate and Benchmark Kubernetes Storage

Community project helps DevOps and PlatformOps optimize Kubernetes storage resources.

Kasten by Veeam announced the launch of Kubestr, its open source project to evaluate Kubernetes cluster storage configurations and performance.

Kubestr Kubernetes

It enables developers and operators to identify the various storage options present in a given cluster, validate storage configurations, and evaluate storage performance using common benchmarking tools like fio. The goal of the Kubestr project is to enhance the ability of developers and operators to perform quick and analysis of their Kubernetes environments and determine the optimal storage for their applications and workloads.

Kubernetes represents a quickly changing computing paradigm with many moving parts and decisions to be made. The storage choices are overwhelming and every decision will have an impact on speed and performance,” said Michael Cade, senior technologist. “Each Kubernetes application will have different requirements for IO/s, bandwidth and latency, so the storage choice is not trivial. Kubestr offers a simple, easy way to make informed storage decisions, validate storage configurations, including the ability to leverage storage snapshots for data management, and perform benchmarking to ensure your application has the necessary performance and speed.

The number of persistent storage options available to Kubernetes users has grown alongside the increasing deployment of stateful applications in and accelerating adoption of Kubernetes. The introduction of Container Storage Interface (CSI) has enabled storage providers to bring more cloud native offerings to market, creating an overwhelming choice of storage options for Kubernetes users. To address this, Kubestr offers open source capabilities that help determine the optimal data store to achieve the performance required for microservices running stateful workloads.

Kasten has been dedicated to the open source community since we launched the company with the release of Kanister” said Niraj Tolia, president and GM. “Now that we’re part of Veeam, we’re reinforcing our dedication with Kubestr, helping community members better understand their Kubernetes environments, make more informed storage decisions, and avoid the pitfalls of under performance or overspending.

Blog: Benchmarking and Evaluating Your Kubernetes Storage with Kubestr    
Fork the project on GitHub

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