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Storage Abbreviations

What do all these letters mean?

Document: Data Storage Abbreviations

AES – Advanced Encryption Standard
AFA – All-Flash Array
AI – Artificial Intelligence
AIT – Advanced Intelligent Tape
AME – Advanced Metal Evaporated
AMP – Advanced Metal Particle
AoE – ATA over Ethernet
API – Application Programming Interface
ARM – Automated Resource Management
ASA – Advanced SCSI Architecture
ASIC – Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ATA – AT Attachment
ATAPI – AT Attachment Packet Interface
ATL – Automated Tape Library
ATOMM – Advanced super Thin-layer and high-Output Metal Media
BaaS – Backup as a Service
BC – Business Continuity
BER – Bit Error Rate
BPI – Bit per Inch

CAV – Constant Angular Velocity
CAS – Content Addressed Storage
CCS – Continuous Composite Servo
CD – Compact Disc
CD-E – Compact Disc Erasable
CD-I – Compact Disc Interactive
CD-R – Compact Disc Recordable
CD-ROM – Compact Disc Read-Only Memory
CD-RW – Compact Disc ReWritable
CD-XA – Compact Disc eXtended Architecture
CD-WORM – Compact Disc Write Once Read Many
CDP – Continuous Data protection
CDR – Clock and Data Recovery
CF – Compact Flash
CHS – Cylinder Head Sector
CIFS – Commmon Internet File System
CIM – Common Information Model
COM – Computer Outrput Microform
CKD – Count-Key-Data
CLV – Constant Linear Velocity
CMR – Conventional Magnetic Recording
CNA – Converged Network Adapter
CRC – Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRU – Customer Replaceable Unit
CSP – Cloud Storage Providers
CSS – Contact Start Stop

DAS – Direct Attached Storage
DAT – Digital Audio Tape
DASD – Direct Access Storage Device
DCT – Discrete Track Recording
DDR – Double Data Rate
DDS – Digital Data Storage
DES – Data Encryption Standard
DFSMS – Data Facility System Managed Storage
DLC – Diamond Like Carbon
DLM – Data Lifecycle Management
DLT – Digital Linear Tape
DMA – Direct Memory Access
DR – Disaster Recovery
DRaaS – Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service
DRAM – Dynamic Random Access Memory
DRAW – Direct Read After Write
DSP – Digital Signal Processor
DVD – Digital Versatile (or Video) Disc
DVR – Digital Video Recorder
DVD – R—DVD-Recordable
DVD – ROM—DVD-Read Only Memory
DVD – RW—DVD-Rewritable
DVR – Digital Video Recorder

EAMR – Energy-Assisted Magnetic Recording
EB – Exabyte
ECC – Error Correction Code
EEPROM – Electronically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EIDE – Enhanced IDE
EDR – Enhanced Data Rate
EOF – End Of Frame
ERM – Enterprise Resource Management
eSATA – external Serial-AT Attachment
ESCON – Enterprise System CONnection
ESDI – Enhanced Small Device Interface
ESRM – Enterprise Storage Resource Management
EVA – Enterprise Virtual Array
FAN – File Area Network
FAS – Fabric-Attached Storage
FAT – File Allocation Table
FATA – Fibre Attached Technology Adapted
FBA – Fixed-Block Architecture
FC – Fiber Channel
FC-AL – Fiber Channel-Arbitrated Loop
FC-SATA – Fiber Channel-Serial-AT Attachment
FCI – Flux Change per Inch
FCIP – Fiber Channel over Internet Protocol
FCoE – Fiver Channel over Ethernet
FCP – Fibre Channel Protocol
FD – Floppy Disk
FDB – Fluid Dynamic Bearing (motors)
FDD – Floppy Disk Drive
FDDI – Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FDR – Fourteen Data Rate
FH – Full-Height
FICON – Fiber Channel CONnectivity
FRAM – Ferroelectric Random Access Memory
FRU – Field Replacement Unit
FSP – Fibre channel Service Protocol
FTP – File Transfer Protocol
FTPI – Flux Transition Per Inch

Gb – Gigabit
GB – Gigabyte
GCR – Group Code Recording
GUI – Graphic User Interface
GMR – Giant Magnetoresistive Head
HAMR – Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording
HBA – Host Bus Adapter
HCA – Host Channel Adapter
HDA – Head-Disk Assembly
HD – Hard Disk
HD DVD – High Definition DVD
HDD – Hard Disk Drive
HFS – Hierarchical File System
HGA – Head Gimbal Assembly
HH – Half Height
HiPPI – High Performance Parallel Interface
HPC – High Performance Computer
HSA – Head Stack Assembly
HSM – Hierarchical Storage Management

IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service
IB – InfiniBand
IDE – Intelligent/Integrated Device/Drive Electronics
I/O or IO – Input/Output
iFCP – internet Fibre Channel Protocol
ILM – Information Lifecycle Management
IOPS – Input Ouput Per Second
IP – Internet Protocol
IP SAN – IP Storage Area Network
IPI – Intelligent Peripheral Interface
ISA – Industry Standard Architecture
iSCSI – internet Small Computer System Interface
iSNS – internet Storage Name Service
ISV – Independent Software Vendor
JBOD – Just a Bunch Of Disks
KB – KiloByte

LBA – Logical Block Address
LDM – Logical Disk Manager
LP – Low Profile
LTFS – Linear Tape File System
LTO – Linear Tape Open
LUN – Logical Unit Number
LVD – Low Voltage Differential
LZW – Lempel-Ziv-Welch
MAID – Massive Array of Idle Disks
MAMR – Microwave Assisted Magnetic Recording
Mb – Megabit
MB – MegaByte
Mbps – Megabit per second
MBps – Megabyte per second
MCBF – Mean Cycle Between Failures
MEMS – Micro Electrical Mechanical Systems
MFM – Multiple Frequency Modulation
MIC – Memory In Cassette
MIG – Metal in Gap
ML – Machine Learning
MLC – Multi-Level Cell
MO – Magneto-Optical
MR – Magneto-Resistive
MRAM – Magnetic Random-Access Memory
MRX – MagnetoResistive eXtended head
MSBF – Mean Swap Between Failures
MTBF – Mean Time Between Failures
MTDA – Mean Time until loss of DAta
MTDL – Mean Time until Data Loss
MTTF – Mean Time To Failure
MTTR – Mean Time To Repair
MVS – Multiple Virtual Storage
MTU – Maximum Transfer Unit

NAS – Network Attached Storage
NCQ – Native Command Queuing
NCTP – Next Compatible Tape Product
NDMP – Network Data Management Protocol
NGIO – Next Generation I/O
NFR – Near Field Recording
NFS – Network File System
NIC – Network Interface Card
NRZ – Non-Return-to-Zero
NTFS – NT File System (for Windows)
NVMe – Non-Volatile Memory express
NVMe-oF – NVMe over Fabrics
NVRAM – Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
ODD – Optical Digital Disc
ODM – Original Design Manufacturer
OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer
O-ROM – Optical-Read Only Memory
OPU – Optical Pick-up Unit
OSD – Object-based Storage Device


P-ROM – Partial-Read Only Memory
PATA – Parallel ATA
Pb – Petabit
PB – PetaByte
PCB – Printed Circuit Board
PCBA – Printed Circuit Board Assembly
PCI – Peripheral Component Interconnect
PCM – Plug-Compatible Manufacturer or Pulse Code Modulation
PCMCIA – Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PE – Phase Encoding
PFA – Predictive Failure Analysis
PIO – Programmed Input/Output
PLC: Penta-Level Cell
PMR – Perpendicular Magnetic Recording
POH – Power On Hours
POR – Power On Reset
PPRC – Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy
PRDF – PRML with Digital Filter
PRML – Partial Response Maximum Likelihood
PVR – Personal Video Recorder
QDR – Quad Data Rate
QIC – Quarter-Inch Cartridge
QLC: Quadruple Level Cell
QoS – Quality of Service
RAID – Redundant Array of Independent (or Inexpansive) Disks
RAIN – Redundant Array of Independent Nodes
RAIT – Redundant Array of Independent Tape drive
RAM – Random Access Memory
RDMA – Remote Direct Memory Access
RLL – Run Length Limited
ROM – Read-Only Memory
RPM – Revolutions Per Minute
RPO – Recovery Point Objective
RTO – Recovery Time Objective

SaaS – Storage as a Service
SAM – SCSI Architecture Model
SAN – Storage Area Network
SAS – SAN Attached Storage
SAS – Serial-Attached SCSI
SASI – Shugart Associates Standard Interface
SATA – Serial-AT Attachment
SCA – Single Connector Attachment
SCSI – Small Computer Systems Interface
SD – Secure Digital
SDS – Software-Defined Storage
SDK – Software Development Kit
SDN – Software-Defined Storage
SDR – Single Data Rate
SDRAM – Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SED – Self Encrypting Drive
SLC – Single-Level Cell
SLED – Single Large Expensive Disk
SMART – Self Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology
SMI – Storage Management Initiative
SMI-S – Storage Management Initiative Specification
SMR – Shingled Magnetic Recording
SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol
SNR – Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SoC – System-On-a Chip
SONET – Synchronous Optical NETwork
SPI – SCSI Parallel Interface
SRM – Storage Resource Management
SSA – Serial Storage Architecture
SSHD – Solid State Hard Drive
SSD – Solid State Disk
SSP – Serial SCSI Protocol
SSP – Storage Service Provider

Tb – Terabit
TB – TeraByte
TCP – Transmission Control Protocol
TCQ – Tagged Command Queuing
TFI – Thin-Film Inductive
TLC – Triple-Level Cell
TLER – Time-Limited Error Recovery
TOE – TCP/IP Offload Engine
TMR – Tunnel Magneto Resistance
TPI – Track Per Inch
UDMA – Ultra Direct Memory Access
USB – Universal Serial Bus
VAD – Value Added Distributor
VAR – Value-Added Reseller
VBA – Virtual Block Address
VCM – Voice Coil Motor
VI – Virtual Interface
VIA – Virtual Interface Architecture
VLAN – Virtual Local Area Network
VM – Virtual Machine
VOD – Video On Demand
VTL – Virtual Tape Library
WAFS – Wide Area File Services
WAN – Wide Area Network
WinFS – Windows Future Storage
WORM – Write Once Read Many
ZBR – Zone Bit Recording
ZCAV – Zone Constant Angular Velocity
