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DigiStor Citadel C Series Pre-Boot Authentication Achieves CSfC Listing for Secure Storage Component

Powered self-encrypting drive is for agencies seeking highest data security for classified and sensitive data at rest stored in laptops, desktops, and other devices.

CDSG (CRU Data Security Group, LLC) announced that the National Security Administration (NSA) certified its Citadel C Series Pre-Boot Authentication (PBA), powered by Cigent Technology, Inc., for inclusion on the Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) storage component list.

Digistor Citadel C Series Select Fips Family

This listing ensures military and government agencies seeking the highest data security levels to protect some of nation’s most sensitive data can utilize the strong security controls provided by the Citadel C Series secure SSDs. The CSfC-certified solution provides a full pre-boot single layer of security to ensure sensitive data cannot be accessed, even if adversaries have physical access to the systems or media.

The CSfC listing underscores our commitment to ensuring the DIGISTOR Citadel C Series is the preferred option for organizations needing pre-boot authentication and post-boot security features,” said Randal Barber, CEO. “The strategic security value of a CSfC-listed SSD that integrates a CSfC-listed PBA is clear to our military and government customers who need to protect their data at rest.

Digistor Citadel C Series Pre Boot Authentication Scheme

The Citadel C Series built-in encryption is unlocked with the PBA feature, providing secure access to the encrypted OS and data on the Citadel SSD. This secured data is encrypted by FIPS 140-2 validated Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit hardware encryption. Citadel SSD security introduces zero overhead and enables hardware-speed access to the encrypted data at the system’s full performance. When using a Citadel C Series Advanced SSD, the PBA feature is complemented by verified full drive erasure, multi-factor authentication (MFA), real-time threat detection and response, and secure logs that record all drive interactions to prevent bad actors from ‘covering their tracks.’

Zero Trust Storage access controls and erasure verification have been in high demand, and with the achievement of CSfC certification, these capabilities can now be used across all government entities globally,” said Tom Ricoy, CRO, Cigent. “In collaboration with DigiStor, these critical protections, can protect data from advanced attacks that bypass existing endpoint protections and allow customers to meet government mandates and executive orders.”

In addition to the CSfC listing, the Citadel product line has been streamlined to focus on the C Series PBA offerings while discontinuing the Citadel K Series products. The company will continue to support current Citadel K Series customers and installations.

A Citadel C Series drive, the Citadel C Series PBA, has been added to the C Series Select and the C Series Advanced. The C Series Select and C Series Advanced have several post-boot security features in addition to the core PBA feature while the C Series PBA only contains the PBA feature on a CSfC-listed SSD.

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Digistor Citadel C Series V2.6 Ssd Spectabl

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