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National Security Administration Adds Digistor FIPS 140-2 L2 SSDs to CsfC Component List as Hardware Full Drive Encryption Component

Citadel K SSDs Series are way to produce CSfC-level secure data at rest solutions for top secret programs.

DigiStor, a CRU Data Security Group LLC (CDSG) brand, announced that the National Security Administration (NSA) added its FIPS 140-2 L2 SSDs to the Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) list.

Digistor Citadel K Ssd 2304These company’s drives are the only commercial SSDs to achieve this listing and the firm’s Citadel K Series are a simple and affordable way to produce CSfC-level secure data at rest (DAR) solutions for top secret programs.

The leak of highly classified Pentagon documents in recent weeks underscores the vital importance of securing sensitive data. For the first time, companies working on secret government programs that require CSfC have a reliable and affordable solution to secure data at rest for programs requiring the highest levels of security,” said Randal Barber, CEO, parent company CDSG. “As the foundation of our Citadel pre-boot authentication solutions, these drives provide critical infrastructure organizations, industry, and military and government agencies access to the most advanced, highly secure SSDs available with both the critical CSfC and NIAP listings.”

With the CSfC listing, customers can trust that the solutions they develop for securing DAR in laptops, desktops, and other devices, meet the highest security requirements for sensitive and classified data. By using the firm’s Citadel solutions, organizations can complete and deliver CSfC secure DAR projects more quickly and to more customers.

CSfC is an NSA strategy to provide cybersecurity solutions by taking advantage of commercially available industry solutions. The company is listed in the ‘Hardware Full Disk Encryption’ section on the CSfC Component List with the Common Criteria/NIAP validation report number CCEVS-VR-VID11297-2023.

This news follows on the heels of the company’s announcement that its COTS-level priced FIPS 140-2 L2 certified self-encrypting drives achieved Common Criteria certification on the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) Product Compliant List (PCL).

Digistor Citadel K Series Spectabl2304

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