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Resilio Scale-Out Software File Replication Solution Achieves 100Gb/s+ Data Transfer Speeds

Internal testing of performance scale-out technology, combined with ZGT WAN acceleration, reaches top speeds in commercial file data replication.

Resilio Inc. announced the development of an intelligent scale-out software file replication solution designed to exponentially increase the speed of file data transfer and server replication for commercial WANs – including cloud, on-prem, and edge data environments.

Resilio Connect Intro

Preliminary internal tests have reached peak speeds over 100Gb/s. Cloud scenarios tested include transferring a 1TB data set between Microsoft Azure regions in 90s and transferring a 500GB data set in Google Cloud from London, UK, to Australia in 50 seconds.

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File data continues to explode both in file size and quantity, and the move to the cloud plus expansion of the edge have introduced considerable complexity for IT teams,” said Eric Klinker, CEO. “Resilio Connect’s ability to overcome data gravity and sync large data sets at very high speeds – and make files accessible to teams at any location – solves all too common accessibility problems. We’re excited about the internal results achieved thus far with the new scale-out technology, and plan to begin private testing with customers in the next 60 days.”

The company’s automated scale-out technology features horizontal scaling with linear performance acceleration across multiple nodes in a cluster, collectively pooling Resilio agents to transfer and sync unstructured data in parallel. For example, if an organization has 10 agents with a 10Gb/s bandwidth connection, files will transfer at 100Gb/s. And through custom WAN optimization, The firm overcomes latency due to distance.

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At 100+Gb/s+ speeds, Resilio Connect will directly benefit customers in data-intensive industries who require real-time replication of files and folders – like M&E with content production workflows. For instance, visual effects companies requiring time-sensitive media sharing across geographically distributed teams will be able to more collaborate across animation, rendering and editing pipelines. Reduced wait times for file transfer allows media customers to spend more time on the creative aspects of content development.

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With the firm’s scale-out technology, fast speeds can be achieved replicating large data sets – within and between locations – across any distance. The system is multi-directional. Files and folders of any size and quantity can be replicated in any direction at network speed: one-to-many, many-to-many, and many-to-one, enabling high-speed server synchronization across on-prem, cloud, multi-cloud, and edge, and improving DR RTOs.

Founded in 2016, the company’s approach to file delivery uses proven, scalable, peer-to-peer technology that is fundamentally different from traditional point-to-point solutions. With Resilio Connect, every server, NAS, and workstation installed with a Resilio Agent becomes a participating file server. The solution is  resilient to interruptions and failures, because if one server goes offline, other peers will compensate. 

Companies interested in participating in
the company’s closed beta of scale-out may sign up.
Introducing Scale-out File Replication and Sync     
Recent test results showed transferring a 1TB file across Azure regions within 90s

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