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NordLocker Cloud-Based CDP To Protect Data Stored On-Premise or Cloud

Real-time backup where every change user makes to data automatically gets backed up, and protects data hosted on remote servers because it uses cloud storage to store backups of changed data

NordLocker highlights the importance of continuous data protection as a report finds that 65% of ransomware attacks result in data being encrypted. In 90% of the incidents, a business’s ability to operate is impacted.

Nordlocker Scheme 2 2206One of the most valuable business assets is its data, be it client information, contracts, sales figures, marketing plans, or other details that are confidential and/or critical to an organization’s operations. Thus, not only competing businesses but also cybercriminals are after this vital information,” says Oliver Noble, cybersecurity expert, an encrypted cloud storage provider. “In order to avoid the risk of being cut out of timely access to data, a company needs to ensure it keeps reliable and frequent backups.”

What is continuous data protection?
CDP is real-time backup where every change a user makes to data automatically gets backed up. As opposed to traditional systems that back up data periodically, for example, nightly or weekly, CDP records every version a user saves. In case of data loss or corruption, continuous backup allows the user or administrator to restore data at any point in time.

CDP ensures that unexpected events, such as power outages or natural disasters, don’t cause gaps in coverage of critical business assets,” says Noble. “With CDP, a company can roll back its systems and data almost immediately after experiencing a ransomware attack or data loss due to human error, which remains the main cause of cybersecurity incidents at work.

Best solutions for CDP
Any business that can’t afford its data getting lost, stolen, leaked, or destroyed and thus looking for security and peace of mind should consider using continuous data protection. Companies of all sizes, from small family-owned companies to large enterprises, can benefit from CDP by minimizing the impact of various incidents and keeping their business running smoothly.

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CDP can be used to protect data stored on-premise or in cloud:

  • On-premise storage protects data physically located on an organization’s servers and workstations. It captures all changes made to files and folders and stores them locally, in a remote location, or both. Local storage is typically used for quick restores, while remote storage is used for DR purposes.

  • Cloud-based CDP protects data hosted on remote servers because it uses cloud storage to store backups of changed data. This offers several advantages over traditional on-premise storage, such as reduced costs (less expensive because there’s no need to purchase and maintain your own hardware or software), increased scalability, and more flexibility (data can be accessed from any location at any time).

NordLocker for CDP needs
If you’re looking for a CDP solution that is both affordable and easy to use, the company’s solution may be the option. It is a cloud-based CDP solution that stores backups of changed data in the cloud. It’s designed to be simple to set up and operate, making it for businesses of all sizes. With this solution, user can restore damaged or lost data, minimizing business interruptions and downtime.

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