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Keepit Opens 2 Canadian Data Centers for Back-up and Recovery

Partnering with Equinix to provide storage solution that follows Canadian laws and regulations for businesses operating inside and outside of Canada

Keepit A/S announced the opening of its first 2 data centers in Canada.

Logo Keepit 2204

Keepit Has Opened A Canadian Data Center 2204

It is partnering with Equinix, Inc., one of green-by-design digital infrastructure companies to run the data centers, enabling the company to provide a storage solution that follows Canadian laws and regulations for businesses operating inside and outside of Canada.

Our superior data center strategy is what allows Keepit’s customers to instantly recover and restore lost or compromised data,” said Jakob Østergaard, CTO, Keepit. “Equinix data centers are recognized globally for exceptional levels of security. And since each location has full copies of user data, with two mirrored physical locations, our clients can rest assured that their data will always be available to them, regardless of their SaaS vendor’s status. Keepit can confidently guarantee that our infrastructure ensures all customers’ data will remain in situ, with no middleware transmissions outside regions. We are proud to be the first and only vendor that can make that claim.

The company’s new investment aligns with the proliferation of the data Backup-as-a-Service and recovery sector, which has largely been fueled by the uptick in data volumes that resulted from the increased adoption of connected technologies and digital transformation drives.

The opening of the data centers highlights firm’s commitment to providing a fast, secure, and efficient service to its expanding Canadian customer base, while also demonstrating a growth of its global network. Additionally, it will increase its ability to offer low-latency data back-up and recovery services across platforms such as Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Salesforce.

The firm’s infrastructure is architected around multiple separate, mirrored data centers in each region, with each center operating in active-active mode; thereby, data is continually replicated between the centers. In the event of a single system failure, or even the unlikely event of the loss of a full data center, the platform’s operations will remain unaffected and the company’s clients’ data will remain reachable and available to be restored.

The firm’s existing Canadian partners, such as XenTegra LLC, understand the importance of providing Canadian businesses with data sovereignty via local data centers, and of data being stored separately from the primary environment and independent from the SaaS vendor’s storage locations.

As a global information technology solutions advisor and reseller company focused on digital workspace technologies and cloud computing, XenTegra is enjoying good momentum in Canada:

We are seeing an immense need for Keepit’s solution amongst our customers. Every customer we speak to about back-up immediately asks whether their data will reside within the country; this is a huge concern for Canadian entities. Keepit’s decision to invest in local, dual, mirrored, and load-balanced data centers is a welcome move to ensure continuity of data availability, along with its independent and local dedicated private cloud infrastructure. For those reasons, XenTegra is pleased to be a Keepit partner,” says Moin Khan, CTO, Xentegra.

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