Cloud Daddy Secure Backup V3.0 With Enhancements
Hyper-V and ESXi host/VM statistics added to infrastructure dashboard, GP3 EBS volumes support, and storing all restore points in AWS S3 Archive without EBS snapshots
This is a Press Release edited by on May 7, 2021 at 2:31 pmCloud Daddy Inc., an AWS – cloud native, secure backup and DR platform for AWS, unveils its Secure Backup (CDSB) 3.0 with multiple enhancements.
Zero EBS snapshots
In release 3.0, you can store all restore points in AWS S3 Archive without any expensive EBS snapshots.
On-premise backup enhancements
Hyper-V and ESXi host/VM statistics have been added to the infrastructure dashboard. This enhancement provides on premise infrastructure statistics in addition to your AWS based infrastructure.
Job cost calculation for on-prem Hyper-V/ESXi backups has been implemented.
AWS Backup/Restore for AWS FSx
In CDSB 3.0, backup/restore for AWS FSx is also supported through the CDSB UI.
AWS Regions support
The AWS Global Infrastructure continues to expand. The latest AWS regions of AsiaPac (Osaka, Japan), Africa (Cape Town, South Africa, and Europe (Milan, Italy) are supported in CDSB 3.0.
GP3 EBS volumes support
Next-gen gp3 SSD volumes for Amazon EBS are supported in CDSB backups in release 3.0. These volumes enable customers to provision performance independent of storage capacity and provides up to 20% lower price-point per gigabyte than gp2 volumes.
Free version extension
In release 3.0, you can backup 10 EC2 instances in Cloud Daddy Secure Backup Free edition.
Free trial of CDSB 3.0 at CloudDaddy Page at AWS MarketPlace