Cloud Daddy Secures Backup 2.0 With AI-Based Security Features and On-Premise-to-Cloud Backup
Including AI-based anomaly detection based on AWS performance, On Premise Hyper-V VM to AWS cloud backup, and Virtual Private Cloud backup and cloning
This is a Press Release edited by on April 10, 2020 at 2:15 pmCloud Daddy Inc. unveils Cloud Daddy Secure Backup (CDSB) 2.0.
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With CDSB 2.0, the company introduces 3 features to a product that emphasizes value-based enterprise security, optimizing costs of cloud-based storage and increases an organization’s security.
3 features in version 2.0 are:
AI-based anomaly detection; based on AWS performance, network and other native models – customers can configure various levels of responses – from e-mail notification – to other actions such as stopping the instance and invoking last known good backup.
On Premise Hyper-V VM to AWS cloud backup (VMware On Premise to AWS Cloud backup is coming shortly in upcoming release 2.1)
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) backup and cloning
All 3 features enhance enterprise security and providevalue for company’s AWS DR and Cyber Security application:
AI-based anomaly detection
The AI module helps CDSB 2.0 identify anomalies, and track exploits that are commonly associated to usage patterns, while identifying anomalous data points. The anomaly detection module is integrated with the Amazon CloudWatch Anomaly Detection service. The module uses ML techniques to detect ‘unusually behaving’ instances and abnormal configurations while running comparisons vs. traditional pattern behavior and taking corrective action – all with or without human intervention.
CDSB 2.0 offers this capability while providing native cloud backups and DR with transparent, predictable and managed single pane of glass admin functions. Module features include an easy to use configuration wizard and instant backup when an alarm occurs. -
Hyper-V Machine to AWS cloud backup
CDSB 2.0 helps enterprise customers to erase the line between on-premise and cloud environments when it comes to backup and DR. With the latest version, backups are possible for on-premise Hyper-V VMs and AWS cloud. VMware support to come shortly.
Hyper-V machine backups are stored in special S3 storage within AWS and can be restored to customer datacenter environments, or into Amazon instances running within AWS.
This feature gives network architects a set of controls for creating the most economically viable and reliable backup and DR methodologies. -
VPC backup and cloning
Looking for a solution to backup AWS instances and databases while preserving network connectivity or to clone entire AWS network infrastructure from one region to another in seconds. This can be done with version 2.0.
CDSB 2.0 can clone, backup and restore subnets, security groups, DHCP options sets, route tables, network ACLs, Internet and VPN Gateways to do a combination of data and VPC environment backup and DR, saving time while enhancing security levels.
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The company is thrilled to be building up these security features on top of the existing robust set of tools that CDSB already has and for which it has been recognized as a start-up winner by Techdata in a recent backup and DR ranking.
To paraphrase one of the judges, CDSB offers a trifecta of backup, DR and infrastructure management. That is the philosophy that drives the firm’s product line and makes the company’s solutions for enterprise customers. The CDSB offers advantages in many aspects over Druva, N2WS or Veeam Software AWS backup products.
Free trial of CDSB 2.0
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