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Institute of Microelectronics/Chinese Academy of Sciences Assigned Patent

SRAM storage unit based on DICE structure

Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, has been assigned a patent (9,536,585) developed by Liu, Mengxin, Liu, Xin, Zhao, Fazhan, and Han, Zhengsheng, Beijing, China, for a “SRAM storage unit based on DICE structure.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “The present invention provides an improved SRAM memory cell based on a DICE structure, which comprises following structures: four inverter structures formed through arranging PMOS transistors and NMOS transistors in series, wherein the part between the drains of a PMOS transistor and an NMOS transistor serves as a storage node, each storage node controls the gate voltage of an NMOS transistor of the other inverter structure and of a PMOS transistor of another inverter structure, a transmission structure consisting of four NMOS transistors, whose source, gate and drain are respectively connected with a bit line/bit bar line, a word line and a storage node. The use of an improved SRAM memory cell based on a DICE structure not only avoids such defects as small static noise margin and being prone to transmission error facing the traditional cell structures consisting of 6 transistors, but also resolves the problem that the current SRAM storage cells based on a DICE structure can easily be affected by the electrical level of storage nodes. This effectively improves reliability of storage cells.

The patent application was filed on May 28, 2014 (14/904,979).
