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Peter Chacko Assigned Patent

Distributed virtual storage cloud architecture

Chacko, Peter, Karnataka, India, has been assigned a patent (9,128,626) for a “distributed virtual storage cloud architecture and a method thereof.”

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: ”The present disclosure relates to a distributed information storage system which functions as virtual cloud storage overlay on top of physical cloud storage systems. The disclosure discloses transparently solving all the data management related security, virtualization, reliability and enables transparent cloud storage migration, cloud storage virtualization, information dispersal and integration across disparate cloud storage devices operated by different providers or on-premise storage. The cloud storage is owned or hosted by same or different third-party providers who own the information contained in the storage which eliminates cloud dependencies. This present disclosure functions as a distributed cloud storage delivery platform enabling various functionalities like cloud storage virtualization, cloud storage integration, cloud storage management and cloud level RAID.“

The patent application was filed on October 3, 2011 (13/877,049).
