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Imec Assigned Patent

Memory device with ferroelectric charge trapping layer

IMEC VZW, Leuven, Belgium, has been assigned a patent (12041782) developed by Van Houdt; Jan, Bekkevoort, Belgium, for a memory device with ferroelectric charge trapping layer

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “The present disclosure relates to memory devices, in particular, flash memory devices, storage class memory (SCM) devices or dynamic random access memory (DRAM) devices. The disclosure provides a memory device with a ferroelectric trapping layer. In particular, a memory cell for the memory device comprises a layer stack including: a semiconductor layer; a tunnel layer provided directly on the semiconductor layer; a ferroelectric trapping layer provided directly on the tunnel layer; and a conductive gate layer provided directly on the ferroelectric trapping layer. A blocking layer between the ferroelectric trapping layer and the gate layer may be omitted.

The patent application was filed on 2022-08-04 (17/817550).
