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CEA and Weebit Nano Assigned Patent

Resetting array of resistive memory cells

Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), Paris, France, and Weebit Nano Ltd., Hod-Hasharon, Israel, has been assigned a patent (12033698) developed by Molas; Gabriel, Bricalli; Alessandro, Grenoble, France, Piccolboni; Guiseppe, Verona, Italy, and Regev; Amir, Modiin, Israel, for a method for resetting an array of resistive memory cells.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “A method for resetting an array of Resistive Memory cells by applying a sequence of N reset operations, each reset operation including the application of a reset technique, the method including, at the first reset operation, performing the first reset operation by applying the reset technique having the highest relative correction yield; at the j-th reset operation of the N?1 subsequent reset operations, j being an integer number between 2 and N, defining a reset technique to be used at the j-th reset operation and performing the j-th reset operation.

The patent application was filed on 2020-12-03 (17/782446).
