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DDN Opens Demo Lab and Research Office in Italy

In collaboration with CINECA

DDN (DataDirect Networks Inc.) announced, in partnership with CINECA, the opening of its European Demo Lab and Research Office.

For 50 years, CINECA has been providing public and industrial researchers with the best tools for scientific computing, identifying the most promising and groundbreaking technologies. As leaders in the HPC market, It chose to partner with DDN and Eviden SAS to deliver environment, powered by NVIDIA technologies, for regional employees, customers and partners.

CINECA supports scientific research through supercomputing and the use of the most advanced computing systems based on state-of-the-art, architectures and technologies,” said Sanzio Bassini, director of HPC department, CINECA. “Collaborating with a trusted partner such as DDN on the new European Demo Lab and Research office to provide best-in-class infrastructure and tools will help drive innovation forward today and into the future.

Located in Bologna, Italy, the new demo lab provides direct, hands-on access to a multitude of DDN solutions, including EXAScaler, DDN Insight and Infinia. The infrastructure is also comprised of HPC-optimized rack-mounted servers from Eviden, the NVIDIA Quantum-2 IB networking platform, and an NVIDIA Spectrum 100GbE network, enabling users to experiment with features, test functionalities and measure performance.

DDN’s trusted ability to deliver scalable and reliable storage solutions for the world’s most significant production AI and HPC systems is the reason it is part of many of the most powerful HPCs today,” said Tommaso Cecchi, senior director of sales for EMEA, DDN. “Together with CINECA, we are able to expand our operations in Europe with the new Demo Lab and Research office to offer local employees, customers and partners with access to DDN’s latest solutions, powered by NVIDIA and Eviden, helping to foster innovation at the highest level.

The new European Demo Lab and Research Office opening event took place on April 10, 2024, at the new location in Bologna, Italy.

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