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Xorux STOR2RRD V.7.50 Freeware Software with Enhancements Support for Storage Systems

For more storage systems like Brocade SANnav, Infortrend EonStor, and IBM Cloud Object Storage

Czech based company Xorux s.r.o has released the latest version of their freeware monitoring tool STOR2RRD.

Xorus Stor2rrd Storage Monitoring Scheme 2209

Enhancements are support for more storage systems and new features.

New storage support:

  • Brocade SANnav

  • lnfortrend EonStor

  • IBM Cloud Object Storage

XorMon is an unified application UI on top of LPAR2RRD and STOR2RRD.
It provides complete performance and mapping overview from the OS (VM) level across virtualization layers, SAN and storage. It has been updated to version 7.50-1.

Xorus Xormon Infrastructure Monitoring Scheme 2209

XorMon new gen
The company is building a new gen of its infrastructure-monitoring software based on Microservice architecture, TimescaleDB, React and others. Beta release is expected at the end of 2022. Testers are welcome.

STOR2RRD v.7.50 release notes with all fixes

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