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Rex Wang VP Marketing, ATP Electronics

Was VP sales at Transcend Information.

Wang AtpATP Electronics, Inc. announces that Rex Wang is joining the company as its new VP marketing.




He has over 15 years of top management experience in Taiwan’s IT industry and over 10 years of leading sales teams. Prior to joining ATP, he was VP sales at Transcend Information, Inc. During his tenure in this company, he led global sales team directors in coordinating multiple branches worldwide; was a primary architect for sales strategies, policies, incentives, and training programs; acquired key global customers in diverse markets; and led the company’s transition into the embedded market.

We’re excited to have Rex onboard to help drive our ongoing growth,” said SVP Jeffray Hsieh. “His industry experience as well as his fortitude in business execution will be a major asset and enhancement to the ATP management team.” 

A certified public accountant (CPA), Wang’s background in finance, industrial/embedded sales, and procurement will strengthen ATP’s strategic brand management, level up its marketing initiatives, and boost its global standing in memory and flash storage solutions.

I am honored to join ATP, which has been accumulating industrial knowledge and R&D momentum over the last 30 years,” said Wang. “The company’s success is accredited through growth and customers’ satisfaction. I believe that by continually exerting ATP’s philosophy, ‘We Build with You’ together, we can further grow with our existing and potential customers.” 

He earned his MBA from the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign (UIUC) and holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a major in Accounting and Finance from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada.
