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Arcitecta Mediaflux Livewire Speed Data Mover Transfers Billions of Files Securely, Reliably, Globally at Fast Rates

Leverages metadata for high-speed file transfers over vast distances and high-latency networks.

Australian company Arcitecta Pty Ltd. announced Mediaflux Livewire, a metadata-driven file transfer software solution that enables organizations to securely move billions of files at fast, nearline speeds across vast global distances and high-latency networks.

Mediaflux Livewire
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Mediaflux Dell Livewire Scheme 2204

Data is at the core of almost every human enterprise. Over the past 30 years, the amount of data transmitted around the globe has grown enormously, and Statista estimates the amount of data generated will approach 200ZB by 2025. With today’s large-scale data growth and collaborative, multi-site, geo-distributed workflows and workforces, organizations require better ways to move data as quickly, seamlessly and efficiently as possible.

Arcitecta is redefining what it means to manage and move data. As organizations increasingly leverage the best resources – people and systems – regardless of location, supporting the data requirements of globally-distributed work environments has raised the stakes for data management and movement,” said Jason Lohrey, CTO. “For more than 20 years, Arcitecta has been dedicated to maximizing the value embodied in data, managing data and reducing the end-to-end time for data-driven insights, decision-making and outcomes. Now, with Mediaflux Livewire’s cutting-edge file transfer capabilities, our customers can accelerate the movement of data to make it available whenever and wherever needed – securely, reliably and at maximum speeds.

Leveraging power of metadata
Mediaflux Livewire leverages the power of metadata to optimize data movement via parallelized data transfers across latent networks and eliminate redundant file transfers. Metadata is information about the data, the hidden champion for big and complex data management. With organizations facing data growth, leveraging metadata is shaping the future of creativity and business agility and empowering new opportunities across many industries, including HPC, M&E, higher education, government.

Metadata is the most powerful tool for orchestrating a lot of data and can prove to be more valuable, and potentially even more insightful, than the ‘data’ itself,” said Alex Timbs, senior business development manager, M&E, Dell Technologies, Inc.That’s why when Arcitecta announced they planned to extend their data management fabric to a powerful, ultra-fast data file transfer solution, I took notice, as demand for these types of solutions in the M&E industry is at an all-time high due to an increased reliance on geo-distributed talent and workflows.

Arcitecta has taken the magic of its Mediaflux data management fabric – metadata, automation and ease of data management  and extended it to a powerful, high-speed data mover,” said Andrew Howard, chief judge, Data Mover Challenge, and associate director, cloud services, National Computational Infrastructure (NCI). “Data-intensive organizations need the ability to move massive data and metadata volumes quickly and securely across high-latency networks to support their distributed workflows, business requirements and growth. Mediaflux Livewire is able to move data across global networks with high bandwith and latency to deliver file transfers at unprecedented speed, efficiency and scale – a huge win for organizations across the globe.” 

Mediaflux Livewire is a performance data transmission system and network interconnect for the company’s Mediaflux data management fabric. It was recently awarded the ‘Most Complete Solution’ and ‘Best Software Architecture’ by the International Data Mover Challenge at Supercomputing Asia 2022 for its ability to move data at scale.

Mediaflux Livewire delivers the following capabilities:

  • Transfers files at scale fast. Mediaflux Livewire has been clocked at over 10.5GB/s on a 100GbE network and can transmit multiple terabytes of data in minutes across the globe over a similar network.

  • Transfers billions of files. It optimally moves files regardless of size or type and scales as needed by coalescing small files together or splitting large files into optimal chunk sizes for the underlying compute or network infrastructure.

  • Transfers files efficiently over networks. It works with existing network infrastructure and standard protocols. It functions on shared or ‘chatty’ networks and can use whatever headroom remains in the available network with efficiency.

  • Eliminates redundant file transfers. Mediaflux Livewire is an end-to-end data management system that manages the overall transmission pipeline, including storage at each end, and optimizes file transfers across limited, highly-contended or latent networks delivering workflow efficiencies.

Perhaps most importantly, Mediaflux Livewire is part of the Mediaflux data fabric that provides customers with end-to-end data management solutions that simplify global data management.

Mediaflux Livewire is available and can be purchased as a standalone product or integrated component of a complete end-to-end Mediaflux data management solution.

About Arcitecta
It is a data management software company. Founded in 1998, it builds management platforms, enabling thousands of users WW in some of the most demanding data-driven environments. Long before big data became a buzzword, it recognized that data would underpin every human endeavor and create a significant explosion in all forms of data during the coming decades. Its Mediaflux data fabric began with the vision to provide organizations with technology for handling all forms of data, from small to very large and complex. Today, it forms the foundation for managing simple and complex data for all sizes of organizations and global enterprises, empowering them to simplify data-intensive workflows and accelerate time to insight from their data to improve business outcomes and people’s quality of life.

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