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History (1998): Storage Performance Council Born

To standardize benchmarks for storage products

The roster of companies that have already signed on with the new Storage Performance Council (SPC) reads like a Who’s Who of the storage industry (see below).

The goal of the new organization is to develop, publish and promote performance benchmark standards for storage products, so that IT managers can make well-informed decisions.

The membership is open to all companies that manufacture, integrate or distribute storage products and supporting system components. It might be even more credible if the association was also open to end users.

The SPC is based at Gradient Systems.

As we were going to press, the web site was under construction.

The new association is modeled after the Transaction Processing Council, a cooperztive multi-vendor multi-vendor initiatve which created the industry-standard TPC-C benchmark for measuring real word servers in online transaction processing environments.

Some founders of SPC: Clariion (Data General), Compaq, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Mylex, QLogic, Sun, Symbios, Unisys, Veritas. Western Digital, and Xiotech

This article is an abstract of news published on issue 126 on July 1998 from the former paper version of Computer Data Storage Newsletter.
