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Team Group Industrial Memory Cards for eHealth Industry

Including D900/D700/D500 series, WT SLC, durable MLC, and high-speed TLC, respectively, and D700 MLC series

Team Group Inc. is launching industrial memory cards in line with the eHealth industry demands and is working with partners from different fields to accelerate the digital transformation of healthcare systems.

Teamgroup's Durable Industrial Low Power Consumption Memory Cards1

With Covid-19, healthcare capacities and health issues of countries WW are now a global focus, accelerating the development and progress of eHealth. In the next decade, smart health and healthcare will be a spotlight of the healthcare domain. In response to development trends, the company is launching industrial memory cards in line with the eHealth industry demands and is working with partners from different fields to accelerate the digital transformation of healthcare systems.

The firm’s industrial business division aims to spotlight the needs of the eHealth industry by offering industrial memory cards that are low power consumption and has write-in durability. These cards support recording data for 14 consecutive days, guaranteeing that all ECG records are written in and stored into the memory cards. These cards is a diagnostic tool for cardiologists, inject new blood into the field of eHealth.

Teamgroup Sd Industrial Card 2201

Industrial memory cards, D900/D700/D500 series, are of WT SLC, durable MLC, and high-speed TLC, respectively. D700 MLC series, specifically, offers low power consumption (<0.15mA), durable, and customized MicroSD memory cards developed for the eHealth industry.

They can be applied to ECG recorders for continuous long-term monitoring and write-in, increasing chances of detecting dangerous arrhythmia symptoms such as palpitations, ventricular tachycardia, etc. They can also help track physical activities to identify potential risks of cardiovascular disease and can be a powerful partner for the eHealth industry.

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