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Total Compensation of FalconStor’s Executives

Only $397,500 for CEO Todd Brooks in FY20, divided approximately by two from FY19, resulting from poor financial results

The following table sets forth salary and total compensation in dollar paid or accrued during the FalconStor Software, Inc.‘s past FY19 and FY20 ending on December 31, as published on a SEC filing (page 16).

Note that for FY20, revenue of the company was only $14.8 million, down yearly 10%, with net loss of $1.8 million, largely explaining the Y/Y decreasing figures below.

Name and position FY Salary Total compensation Y/Y growth
Todd Brooks, president and CEO 2019 350,000 745,891 NA
  2020 312,500 397,500 -47%
Brad Wolfe, VP, CFO and treasurer
2019 240,000 291,211 NA
  2020 233,750 268,610 -8%


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