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From Swedish Zebware, ZebClient Provides Cloud Data Access at Memory Speed

Increases speed of reads and writes by maximizing and optimizing utilization of Optane persistent memory and Optane SSDs, including ability to simultaneously read from multiple nodes in cluster.

The Swedish software company Zebware AB presents test results verifying that its cloud data memory bridge, ZebClient, delivers an outstanding boost to cloud data access speeds.

Zebware Zeclient Intro

It is a product built on patented technology including the company’s proprietary erasure code which secures both data redundancy and performance. It disaggregates storage from compute and maximizes the utilization of local memory to provide an performance where up to 500x faster access speeds were demonstrated in tests performed at Intel’s 5G Innovation Center in Stockholm, Sweden.

Zebware’s ZebClient optimizes the use of Intel Optane technologies, resulting in greater performance uplifts for demanding applications,” confirms Thomas Melzer, lab manager, data center group, Intel Corporation (Stockholm).

Zebware Zebclient Technology Scheme1

ZebClient increases the speed of reads and writes by maximizing and optimizing the utilization of Intel Optane persistent memory and Optane SSDs, including the ability to simultaneously read from multiple nodes in a cluster. The built-in tiering algorithms improve the performance even further. ZebClient also provides an unified access for object and file data and is available for deployments on bare metal, hypervisors, Docker and in a beta version for Kubernetes.

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Zebware Zebclient Technology Scheme2


The disaggregation of storage combined with the data access speed acceleration, translates into a solution where durable cloud storage can be efficiently used even for demanding applications like analytics, ML and AI. Applications retrieving data via ZebClient can operate as if the cloud data were present on-prem. It provides the best of the 2 worlds of on-prem and cloud to secure a high-performance, cost-efficient, scalable, and future-proof IT infrastructure solution.

The company has teamed up with Intel to verify the ZebClient effects on performance. From an Intel perspective, ZebClient optimizes the benefits of Optane persistent memory for hot data and Optane SSDs for warm data, enabling high-speed data processing and cost-efficient cloud storage.

Zebware Zebclient Technology Scheme3

Traditionally, boosting performance is a matter of chasing and removing bottlenecks in the infrastructure. Our product helps eliminate the need for this and what ZebClient also does is to facilitate a new type of data management architecture resulting in improved performance, cost cuts, flexiility and scalability,” says Marie Johansson, CO, Zebware.

We see ZebClient as a game-changer and look forward to bringing our product to customers who today struggle with the compromise between performance, cost and flexibility. The past year and a half have put an enormous amount of pressure on digital infrastructure and the rapid digitalization have put these challenges front and center for any data-driven enterprise. It is a time where we can really make a difference with our software which is tailored to boost hybrid cloud designs,” she concludes.

ZebClient is available for download and is offered on a subscription basis where the price is based on the actual usage of the product.

About Zebware
Zebware was born out of frustration over complex, inflexible and hardware driven storage solutions not delivering according to application development needs nor to brand promises. From its own hard-earned experience, it was obvious that existing solutions were not good enough to support the – often rapidly – changing requirements of managing, processing, and storing data while still supporting application development requirements. To solve the issues at hand, it invented its own erasure code-based algorithm boosting scalability, security, and performance. This algorithm is now integrated into its products ZebClient and Orchesto.
The company’s vision is to be aprovider of hybrid-cloud enablement software, securing customers absolute sovereignty of their data in cloud environments.
