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Amazon FSx for NetApp Ontap Support for Iguazio MLOps Platform

To enable FSx for Ontap as part of its end-to-end capabilities for bringing data science to production at scale, in real-time and in hybrid environments

Iguazio Ltd. announced its support for the FSx for ONTAP.

Netapp Iguazio Integrations

FSx for ONTAP provides fully managed shared file and block storage on AWS Cloud with the data access and management capabilities of the OS.

The company provides a MLOps platform used by enterprises worldwide to accelerate the deployment of AI in production, reduce complexities and minimize cost of AI infrastructure through end-to-end ML pipeline automation. The firm also supports complex use cases requiring scale and real-time, or deployment in hybrid environments.

So many of our customers are adopting cloud native strategies and AI to create new competitive advantages, increase agility and reduce costs“, commented Ronen Schwartz, SVP and GM, cloud volumes, NetApp, Inc.Enterprises building AI Applications at scale with enterprise grade storage now have the option to efficiently roll out new AI services and support real-time ML applications at peak performance with Iguazio and FSx for ONTAP, all from within their AWS account.

The company is a strategic NetApp partner. The support of FSx for ONTAP provides customers with enterprise data management, advanced storage services including as tiering and snapshotting, and high performance and scalability, supporting extreme workloads. It provides a simple end-to-end solution for deploying and managing AI applications at scale and in real-time, accelerating deployment of AI by 12x.

While AI-driven innovation brings incredible potential, its pursuit has also resulted in incredibly complex implementation challenges,” said Asaf Somekh, co-founder and CEO, Iguazio. “We’re proud to be the first MLOps platform to support FSx for ONTAP, making it simpler, more efficient, and more cost-effective for organizations across industries to advance their AI initiatives.

The company is also a member of the AWS partner network, and recently announced the availability of its platform on the AWS Marketplace.

This availability makes it simple for AWS customers to consume Iguazio end to end, directly from their AWS account.

The firm integrates with a range of AWS products and services including Amazon SageMaker and Outposts, enabling enterprises to add Iguazio to their existing workflow. The solution runs as containers on top of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and can read and write data to Amazon S3. The company is an AWS Advanced Techology Partner and was one of the first to achieve the AWS Outposts Ready designation.

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