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Teledyne LeCroy Summit Z58 PCIe 5.0 Protocol Exerciser/Analyzer Approved by PCI-SIG

Platform certified for official PCIe compliance testing

Teledyne LeCroy, Inc. announced that the PCI Special Interest Group (PCI-SIG), responsible for the definition of serial expansion buses and related components required to drive fast, efficient transfers between processors and peripheral devices, has certified the Summit Z58 Protocol Exerciser/Analyzer for official PCIe link and transaction layer testing at PCI-SIG compliance workshops for integrators list certification.

Teledyme Lecroy Summit™ Z58 Protocol Exerciser

Compliance testing allows design and test engineers to ensure product interoperability as well as adherence to the PCI-SIG PCIe standard, enabling technology adoption among integrators. The Summit Z58 Protocol Exerciser/Analyzer is a PCIe 5.0 (Gen 5) capable platform certified by the PCI-SIG for official PCIe testing. It is to be used for all future link and transaction layer testing at PCI-SIG compliance workshops, including the PCIe 5.0 informational testing. This enables designers to use this test platform for PCIe 4.0 compliance testing now, while protecting their investment by using the same equipment for future PCIe 5.0 testing needs.

The company’s protocol analyzers and exercisers have been at the forefront of PCIe development since its inception 17 years ago, working with the computer, storage and IoT industry to provide the analysis features design and test engineers need for their products. All the firm’s protocol test solutions feature hierarchical views of recorded traffic, real-time statistics, protocol traffic summaries, detailed error reports, scripting, and the ability to create user-defined test reports, which allow developers to troubleshoot intricate problems and finish their projects on time. Users of the company’s systems appreciate the library of decodes and analysis capabilities that are available on all of the company’s PCIe spec test tools.

The Summit Z58 PCIe 5.0 protocol exerciser and analyzer is available to order.

Teledyne Lecroy Summit Z58 Spectabl

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