From Trilio Data, Availability of TrilioVault for Kubernetes V2.1 Cloud-Native Backup and Recovery Platform
Offers visibility and insights into Velero backups and includes DR capabilities for multi-cloud.
This is a Press Release edited by on May 14, 2021 at 2:32 pmTrilio Data, Inc. announced the availability of TrilioVault for Kubernetes (TVK) v2.1, the latest release of its cloud-native backup and recovery platform that enables restoration and mobility of entire Kubernetes workloads on-demand.
TVK v2.1 features new Kubernetes management functionality including visibility and insights into Velero-based backups as well as enhanced DR capabilities for multi-cloud infrastructure deployments.
The company also announced Kubernetes distribution certifications from Rancher, IBM Cloud and VMware Tanzu.
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Velero backup monitoring included in TrilioVault for Kubernetes
Velero is an open source tool used to backup Kubernetes namespace and label-based resources but lacks a user interface that provides visibility into the full scope of challenges that may be encountered during backup, restore or migration operations.
TVK v2.1 lets users monitor Velero backups directly from the TrilioVault Management Console. This gives users a complete view and insights into the status and performance of TrilioVault and Velero backups.
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“Velero users asked us to help them seamlessly grow into an enterprise data protection platform while providing continuity across Trilio and Velero backups,” said Prashanto Kochavara, director, product, Trilio. “With TrilioVault for Kubernetes v2.1, Velero users gain clarity in their backup and restore operations. Velero operators can now see what’s working and what’s not in a single pane of glass, in real time and within the context of the entire multi-cloud environment.“
Improved DR capabilities featured in TVK 2.1
As organizations rely on data spread across multi-cloud infrastructure, the importance of DR grows exponentially. TVK v2.1 delivers significant BC enhancements for cloud-native applications, including a new DR Plan. This plan provides a guided workflow to easily select backups from different repositories, specify namespace mappings, and reconfigure the captured data and metadata across multiple applications at one time. This helps organizations implement a DR strategy for their business-critical applications and then continually test the recoverability of those applications in a multi-cloud environment.
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Achieves certifications from industry-leading Kubernetes platforms
TrilioVault for Kubernetes has completed certification with the following Kubernetes distributions and clouds:
Rancher Ready certification and availability in the Rancher Apps and Marketplace
IBM Cloud certification, including deployment to IBM Kubernetes Service or Red Hat OpenShift and availability in the IBM Cloud Marketplace
VMware Tanzu Partner Ready certification and Marketplace availability.
The company has also recently completed its own enterprise-grade technology qualification of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE).
TVK has now certified Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE), Rancher Server with RKE, Red Hat OpenShift and upstream Kubernetes.
TrilioVault for Kubernetes works with any certified Kubernetes distribution. For additional levels of end-user assurance, Trilio also formally tests and validates Kubernetes distributions for demanding enterprise environments.
TVK v2.1 is available via company’s Free Trial, Free Basic Edition and Enterprise Edition plans.