MASV ( Automates Large File Transfer To M&E Clouds
Including Watch Folders, Digital Ocean, Minio, Postlab Drive by Hedge, Wasabi, and S3-compliant cloud services
This is a Press Release edited by on September 16, 2020 at 2:26 pmMasv launched automations that simplify the transfer of massive (20GB+) files to the M&E clouds.
Watch Folders automates the process of uploading files from the company’s app to cloud storage, while Cloud Connect is a central hub where video professionals can collect send files to popular clouds, including:
Digital Ocean is used by millions of developers to build applications of all sizes. Masv transfers directly into Digital Ocean storage, facilitating reliable delivery of massive content in any application.
Minio has established itself as the high-performance, software-defined object storage suite. The firm’s integration with Minio allows ML, analytics and application data professionals to create automated transfer processes into Minio storage.
Postlab Drive by Hedge – Masv integrates with Postlab Drive to enable powerful, real-time cloud video editing. Postlab users can upload source content via Masv straight into Drive, where users can take advantage of Postlab’s real-time editing performance.
Wasabi provides predictable and affordable hot cloud storage for businesses enabling organizations to store and instantly access an infinite amount of data at 1/5th the price of the competition with no complex tiers or unpredictable egress fees.
S3-compliant cloud services – Masv supports virtually any service based on the Amazon S3 API. It also supports Amazon S3, Google Cloud, Dropbox and Backblaze.
“Masv helps Postlab teams get media into the hands of their editors as quickly as possible,” said Paul Matthijs Lombert, CEO, Hedge. “With Masv’s network of edge servers, upload times are reduced massively – perfect for remote production.“
“MASV automations upload huge content into your chosen storage faster,” says Greg Wood, CEO, Masv. “Masv transfers massive files faster than anyone, and Cloud Connect enables simpler collaborative uploads even when you’re working with multiple clouds.“
100GB free trial available.
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