History (1991): 1.8-Inch HDDs Hardly Here, and Already Coming 1.5-Inch Units
From Ecol-2
By Jean Jacques Maleval | April 14, 2020 at 2:26 pmAt Comdex.Fall’91, Integral Peripherals (Boulder, CO) and Ministor Peripherals (San Jose, CA) announced Winchester drives in the smallest 1.8-inch form factor, when another US start-up named Ecol-2 (Point Arena, CA) plans to launch for 3Q92 an even smaller drive, in a 1.5-inch form factor, 4cm wide and 5cm long, much smaller than a credit card, 5mm thick and weighing 82g.
The later Californian company expects to store in this tiny volume 50MB and afterwards 100MB on its EC1-50/100 models.
But actually who knows which form factor will come after 1.8 inch, 1.5 or 1.25 inch?
This article is an abstract of news published on the former paper version of Computer Data Storage Newsletter on issue ≠46, published on November 1991.