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Atempo and Harmony Healthcare IT Joined Active Archive Alliance

Providing technical expertise and guidance to design and implement active archive strategies

The Active Archive Alliance announced that Atempo SAS and Harmony Healthcare IT have joined the organization.

Active archives provide strategies to solve data growth challenges. The two companies IT join a number of storage and IT vendors that together support the use of active archive solutions for data lifecycle management.

We’re pleased to welcome Atempo and Harmony Healthcare IT to the Active Archive Alliance,” said Peter Faulhaber, chairman, Active Archive Alliance, and president and CEO, Fujifilm Recording Media U.S.A., Inc.As the challenge of managing increased data growth continues, the Alliance strives to bring the best of breed technologies together to provide active archive solutions for intelligent data management.

The opportunity to derive value from the vast volumes of data being created is making active archives an important part of organizations’ data management road maps. Applications such as the IoT, AI, and ML are putting pressure on storage infrastructures and are driving intense interest in active archive technologies.

An active archive leverages an intelligent data management layer and enables online access to data throughout its lifecycle regardless of which tier it resides in the storage hierarchy. Active archive file systems span all pools of storage: SSDs, HDDs, tape or cloud.

Atempo’s data management solutions address the needs of large storage with millions or billions of files and petabyte-scale unstructured data volumes for mid-sized and corporate organizations.

Atempo has long played a role in large-scale on-prem and cloud archiving. We believe in the active side of archiving; ensuring our customer data remains safe yet accessible and available for business needs,” said Luc d’Urso, Atempo CEO. “Our vendor-agnostic Miria platform for archiving solutions moves data intelligently and rapidly between different locations. Our current and future ML and AI innovations will serve to boost Miria’s power and scope.

Harmony Healthcare IT stores billions of records and petabytes of data as a first-to-market innovator of legacy data management solutions for medical facilities.

As the amount of protected health information skyrockets, healthcare leaders rightfully demand preservation and protection of data that will mitigate the risk of breach and meet retention requirements,” said Shannon Larkin, VP marketing and business development, Harmony Healthcare IT. “Our active archive solution, HealthData Archiver, meets those demands and makes records accessible and usable for clinical decision-making, records release, eDiscovery, financial transaction posting, research, and analytics. By joining the Active Archive Alliance, we hope to network across industries with other data management and storage professionals to further enhance our healthcare offering.

The Active Archive Alliance serves as a vendor-neutral, trusted source for providing end-users with technical expertise and guidance to design and implement modern active archive strategies that solve data growth challenges through intelligent data management. Active archives enable reliable, online and cost-effective access to data throughout its life and are compatible with flash, disk, tape, or cloud as well as file, block or object storage systems. They help move data to the appropriate storage tiers to minimize cost while maintaining ease of user accessibility.

Members and sponsors include Atempo SAS, Fujifilm Corporation, Iron Mountain, Inc., Harmony Healthcare IT, Komprise, Inc., MediQuant, LLC, Quantum Corporation, Qumulo, Inc., QStar Technologies, Inc., Spectra Logic Corporation, StrongBox Data Solutions, Inc. and Western Digital Corporation.
