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IBM Spectrum Virtualize Software for FlashSystem 9150 Controller

Upgrade feature

IBM Spectrum Virtualize Software for FlashSystem 9150 Controller upgrade feature

This release introduces a feature that will be used when upgrading a 9846-AF7 or 9848-AF7 to Model AF8. This feature provides an IBM Spectrum Virtualize Software for FlashSystem 9150 Controller V8 (5639-FA3) software license and its associated 1-year maintenance for the upgraded Model AF8.

Software requirements

  • The system being upgraded must be running Spectrum Virtualize Software V8.2.1.6, V8.3.0.1, or later before the upgrade is attempted.
  • For current hardware and software interoperability dependencies, and other product environment and configuration information, see the FlashSystem 9100 support website.
  • Upgraded systems must have a V8 (5639-FA3) software license with an associated maintenance PID.

Hardware requirements

  • Spectrum Virtualize Software for FlashSystem 9150 Controller (5639-FA3) requires at least one IBM FlashSystem 9150 control enclosure (9846-AF8 or 9848-AF8) for installation.
  • Current support summaries, including specific software, hardware, and firmware levels supported, are maintained at FlashSystem 9100 support website.

Planned availability date: September 6, 2019
