FMS: Smart IO/s Introducted UnobtaniumFN NVMe SSD With Toshiba Memory XL-Flash
800GB, 1.6TB, and 3.2TB, and 1,700,000 and, 800,000 random RW IO/s
This is a Press Release edited by on August 12, 2019 at 2:36 pmSmart IO/s, Inc. announced introduction of a NVMe SSD called Unobtanium FN geared towards Storage Class Memory (SCM) market.
The Storage Class Memories are typically deployed in mission critical applications that require high endurance and low latency that falls between DRAM and storage drive latencies.
Unobtanium FN delivers 1,700,000 random read, 800,000 random writes IO/s, and 15 drive writes per day endurance for five years. More importantly it offers 75µs of 99.999% QoS latency for random read operations with a queue depth of 16 and 30µs of typical random read operation latency.
The Unobtanium FN drive utilizes Toshiba Memory Corp.‘s XL-Flash low latency 3D flash memory and is being offered at 800GB, 1.6, and 3.2TB capacity points with the possibility of 6.4TB capacity in future. Due to cost benefits of 3D NAND devices enabled by three-dimensional scaling, the Unobtanium FN drive has the potential to alter market dynamics of Storage Class Memories.
“The Unobtanium FN SSD marries our innovative TruRandom technology with Toshiba Memory’s XL-Flash device resulting in a unique product that offers best in class low latency and high performance to Storage Class Memory market at an attractive price point,” said Ashutosh Das, CEO, Smart IO/s. “We remain committed to our high standards of offering quality storage solutions with best performance and latency.“
The performance and latency of Unobtanium FN drive enhances AI, ML, data analytics, content delivery, and caching capabilities making it for next gen data crunching needs.
“Toshiba Memory is very happy to see our XL-Flash Low-Latency 3D flash Memory make its entry into the market. We are happy to see Smart IO/s introduce products using our XL-Flash,” said Hiroo Ota, technology executive, memory application engineering, Toshiba Memory Corporation. “We are excited about numerous possibilities that our low latency XL-Flash devices will enable.“
Read also:
FMS: Toshiba Memory Unveils XL-Flash Storage Class Memory Solution
Sitting in between DRAM and NAND flash, it brings increased speed, reduced latency and higher storage capacities, at lower cost than traditional DRAM.
August 5, 2019 | Press Release