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Ahead-IT.eu Supermicro DIS224A Certified for Open-E jovianDSS Software

Low latency full flash hardware recommended for HA, flexibility and performance storage environments with ZFS-based software

Open-E GmbH announced the certification of the Ahead-IT.eu Supermicro DIS224A by their partner Ahead-IT BVBA with the ZFS-based JovianDSS software.

The following configurations have been certified: 

Ahead It.eu Supermicro Dis224a
Ahead-IT offers turnkey HA storage solutions with backup and DR, especially for hosting users’ critical virtual servers and for NFS/SMB/iSCSI/FC shares which require performance, IO/s and low latency. Supermicro DIS224A Metro Cluster configuration combined with the ZFS- and Linux-based Open-E JovianDSS SDS is a full flash HA Metro Cluster solution that offers low latency.

The single node configuration offers scalability and performance and is optimized for data centers. Both systems can be configured individually in order to provide high security for business-critical data.

The tests in this certification were extensive, and the company is glad to testify such a range of benefits. In close cooperation with Open-E, the systems were tested to guarantee stability and compatibility of hardware and software. JovianDSS storage software delivered values in throughput and IO/s.

Benefits of certified storage solutions: 

  • Enhanced storage performance
  • Optimal resource utilization
  • Flexible scalability
  • Optimized for private cloud
  • Optimized for data centers included
  • Data compression
  • Tiered RAM and SSD cache
  • Thin, thick and over-provisioning

Certification report with more details and test results
