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Intri-Plex Technologies Assigned Patent

Nesting disk separator plates for use in HDD

Intri-Plex Technologies, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA, has been assigned a patent (10,262,689) developed by How, Leong Weng, Singapore, Singapore, Schmidt, Ryan John, Stromberg, Michael John, Santa Barbara, CA, and Brink, Damon Douglas, Ventura, CA, for a “nesting disk separator plates for use in hard disk drives.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: A hard disk drive with a multiple disk stack normally utilizes disk separator plates near the disk surfaces to reduce wind induced vibrations in the disks and the read/write heads. The manufacturing methods currently used to make these separator plates, metal casting and machining, or injection molded plastic, or extruding and machining, or cold forging tends to be expensive and creates unwanted weight and bulk without the desired precision. Stamping disk separator plates from metal provides exceptional dimensional control at reduced cost, but cannot readily provide the thicknesses required. Stamping and extruding the offsets, or stamping and folding the offsets, is a manufacturing process that provides the required dimensions for the offsets, and dimensional control and reduced cost.

The patent application was filed on January 27, 2016 (15/008,199).
