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History (1988): ICI Showed for First Time Flexible Optical Tape Read by Laser

1TB on 1,000m long and 3.5cm large media

ICI Showed for First Time Flexible Optical Tape Read by Laser

ICI, a huge chemical English group, showed for the first time a flexible optical tape read by a laser.

Its capacity is 1TB for a 1,000m long and 3.5cm large tape.

ICI pretends to come down to the price of one cent/MB.

This same medium can be cut in flexible disks and fitted into a cartridge. To read and write on it once, Iomega is working on a Bernoulli technology drive for a removable disk of 1GB on each side with 40ms access time.

This article is an abstract of news published on the former paper version of Computer Data Storage Newsletter on issue ≠2, volume ≠1, published on March 1988.
