History (1988): Comparex 6480-AK/BK HDD
Compatible with IBM 3380 model K, 7.56GB, 12.5ms average access time
By Jean Jacques Maleval | April 30, 2019 at 2:09 pm12.5ms and 7.56GB Disk Storage System From Comparex
Comparex Information System GmbH (Manheim, West Germany) announces a new disk storage with a 7.56GB capacity.
The 6480-AKlBK, compatible with the IBM 3380 model K, will be available from 3Q88.
The system has an average access time of 12.5ms, uses thin-film technology for 9.5-inch disks. It houses two disks units of 7.56GB.
A maximum of 30GB storage per string can be attached to the 6085-7/6085-23 disk controllers. Actually, the controllers achieve a data transfer rate of 3MB/s. From the third quarter of 1988, the 6085-23 will be upgraded to 4.5MB/s.
This article is an abstract of news published on the former paper version of Computer Data Storage Newsletter on issue ≠2, volume ≠1, published on March 1988.