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Cloud Backup Service Provider Comport Keeps Business Running Efficiently and Secure

Chimes in on benefits of working with DR service provider.

In order to help businesses optimize technology for efficiency and security, Comport Technology Solutions chimes in on the benefits of working with a DR service provider.

In this day and age, companies are increasingly reliant on technology during day-to-day operations. Storing data in the cloud has a range of benefits, and businesses that take steps to employ this useful technology will reap the rewards when disaster strikes.

Listed below are four reasons why a cloud backup service provider can be a valuable partner in company data management and protection.

Increased Efficiency
Storing information in the cloud makes it easy to access for employees and provides one central location for relevant information. Moving data from physical storage to a cloud ecosystem can go a long way toward increasing efficiency and making the average work day run much more smoothly.

A cloud storage solution also provides a way for employees to collaborate, as work is stored in a shared location that combines accessibility with security. Rather than emailing files back and forth from physical storage, everyone with the appropriate permissions will be able to view and edit files at will.

Cost Savings
Going hand-in-hand with efficiency are cost savings. There are multiple ways that a cloud backup service provider can save the company a large amount of money. The financial benefits of increased efficiency aren’t always immediately quantifiable, but when a business makes it easier and more convenient for their employees to get work done, they will be able to move through tasks at a faster pace and take on more work as a result.

The other significant opportunity for cost savings is in the event of an emergency. Data on physical storage is vulnerable both to physical damage as well as potential infiltration from hackers. Cloud backups provide peace of mind and the ability to easily recover from any disaster with a simple rollback. A loss of data that is essential to company operations could potentially cost millions of dollars in damage, so investing a small amount in moving data onto the cloud is more than worth it.

Improved Security
Cloud computing can provide better security via an air gap between your data and the cyber-attacks. This gap essentially means that there’s a disconnect between the those that are trying to get to your data and your cloud storage – making it far more difficult for hackers to obtain access to critical company files. There is no such protection with physical storage, and there’s always a risk that important data could be compromised.

Greater Flexibility
Ultimately, cloud storage combines a better data plan with the best of mobility to keep company files accessible to employees and locked away from the public. Being able to recover from a disaster quickly is one of the primary reasons that this technology is great, but many people don’t recognize how beneficial it can be for general usage within the company. A quality cloud service provider creates an online workspace that is powerful, flexible, and secure – all at a price within the budget of the company.
