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Mellanox IB to Accelerate US Department of Energy’s New HPC

8 petaflop system Eagle with 2,100 nodes

Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. has been chosen to accelerate the US Department of Energy‘s (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory‘s (NREL) new supercomputer.

Mellanox IB to Accelerate NREL Supercomputer Eagle

The 8 petaflop system named Eagle will consist of more than 2,100 nodes and deliver 3 times the performance compared to NREL’s current supercomputing platform. It will be put into production in January 2019.

IB’s smart in-network computing acceleration engines, RDMA technology, and high reliability and robustness will ensure the highest performance, efficiency and scalability for NREL’s HPC, AI, storage, cloud and other applications,” said Gilad Shainer, VP marketing, Mellanox. “We are happy to be part of the NREL new supercomputing platform, helping to advance the leading edge of energy research.

The Eagle supercomputer will enable NREL’s researchers to run increasingly detailed models that simulate complex processes and phenomena, to gain new insights and innovations in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies,” said Steve Hammond, NREL’s computational science director, NREL.
