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Vexata and Destiny Collaborating

To scale SAS analytics with accelerated NVMe storage

Vexata, Inc., in NVMe flash storage systems, entered into an agreement with Destiny Corporation, a SAS Institute, Inc. gold partner and reseller with over 30 years of experience supporting Fortune 500 and government clients in analytics infrastructure, migrations, data hub creation and data warehousing design.

Vexata VX-100F Scalable NVMe

Vexata VX-100F Scalable NVMe

This agreement builds upon the market success that Vexata has established in analytics and data management solutions for enterprise and cloud data centers. The Vexata VX-100 scalable NVMe array, a SAS certified solution, holds high performance benchmarks across a number of use cases, including serving up a record breaking 320 simultaneous SAS sessions. Vexata also supports a number of deployment options for file and block SAS grid environments delivering performing analytics solutions that form the basis of digital commerce in the enterprise.

94% of the Fortune Global 100 use SAS analytics to power their businesses. Through software and services, SAS empowers and inspires customers around the world to transform data into intelligence. AI and machine learning workloads are increasing in volume and complexity as organizations look to enable predictive and cognitive analytics for financial services, risk management, healthcare and IoT use cases.

To enable predictive and cognitive analytics for these heavy mixed-random and sequential-R/W workloads, the underlying infrastructure needs to accelerate pipelines by delivering low latency with massive ingest bandwidths.

We are excited to collaborate with Destiny Corporation in helping solve SAS scalability and I/O bottleneck issues faced by line-of-business users including chief data officer, chief analytics officer, data scientists as well as IT leaders,” said Zahid Hussain, Vexata founder and CEO. “Together with Destiny, we are effectively able to understand business and technical challenges and help organizations realize significant gains in productivity while lowering capital and operational expenses.

Dana Rafiee, MD, Destiny, added: “We are excited about this collaboration with Vexata. Its scalable storage systems provide a simple plug-and-play solution to address complex SAS scalability and IO challenges without any changes to logic needed. Moreover, Vexata’s understanding of the SAS solution stack and ecosystem makes them easy to work with.
