Springpath Assigned Patent
Distributed de-dupe in distributed system of hybrid storage and compute nodes
By Francis Pelletier | July 31, 2018 at 2:52 pmSpringpath, LLC, Wilmington, DE, has been assigned a patent (10,019,459) developed by Agarwala, Sandip, Cupertino, CA, Gaonkar, Shravan, Gainsville, FL, Mahalingam, Mallikarjunan, Cupertino, CA, Shah, Smit, Shaikh, Faraz, Sunnyvale, CA, Vegulla, Praveen, Cupertino, CA, and Yadappanavar, Krishna, Sunnyvale, CA, for a “distributed deduplication in a distributed system of hybrid storage and compute nodes.“
The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “A distributed storage system called StorFS that performs distributed data deduplication is described. In an exemplary embodiment, a storage controller server determines if there is duplicative data in a distributed storage system. In this embodiment, the storage controller server determines if an entity is duplicated in the distributed storage system in line with an incoming input/output operation. The storage controller server determines if the entity is duplicated in the distributed storage system by receiving the entity and looking up the entity in a data deduplication table. If the entity exists in the data deduplication table, the storage controller server updates the metadata for the entity to point to the duplicate entity.”
The patent application was filed on December 19, 2013 (14/135,495).