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AccelStor Launches 2U NeoSapphire P710-SLED All-Flash Storage Platform

24-bay SATA, 13TB usable/69TB effective

AccelStor, Inc. launches the NeoSapphire P710-SLED all-flash storage platform.

Designed for state, local, and education (SLED) organizations in response to demand for easy-to-deploy and cost-effective all-flash storage solutions, the P710-SLED is aimed at simplifying virtualization architectures typically found in SLED environments.

Engineered for speed and simplicity
Powered by
FlexiRemap, a RAID replacement technology, the P710-SLED platform delivers performance with a guaranteed 400,000 mixed-load read and write IO/s.

FlexiRemap RAID replacement technology delivers speed storage functionality and unleashes high levels of performance IO/s for server virtualization and VDI operations that enable thousands of virtual desktops to enjoy the same or better performance levels delivered by expensive dedicated HPC hardware.

The P710-SLED platform comes armed with a simple to use GUI for simple and uncluttered operational use and configuration. IT administrators using this platform can create storage groups and assign storage to their host server systems without laboring over complex storage issues typically seen in other storage platforms. The P710-SLED is integrated into VMware and can be managed through either the VMware management interface or from the NeoSapphire GUI.

Cost-effective all-flash storage solution
The P710-SLED platform offers 400,000 mixed-load read and write IO/s with 69TB effective capacity at an attractive price/performance ratio. Software features such as replication, data reduction, backup, snapshots, Free Clone and data security are all-inclusive and there is no capacity based license to contend with.

The P710-SLED has been available since 2Q18.

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