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Book: Phase Change Memory, Device Physics, Reliability and Applications

By Fabio Pellizzer, Micron R&D

Springer International Publishing AG. as published, in Phase Change Memory, Device Physics, Reliability and Applications  book, a chapter written by Fabio Pellizzer, Micron Technology, R&D, Boise, ID, USA.

Abstract: “In this chapter we review the main categories of device architectures that have been studied and realized in order to exploit the phase-change mechanism in electronic devices.

Starting from their first realization at the end of the 1960s, it was apparent that a critical issue for PCM was the programming current (reset current, IRESET) needed to amorphize the material.

In order to minimize the power consumption, several architectures have been proposed, and we will illustrate their characteristics, their advantages, and their weaknesses.

The element used in order to transform the current flowing through the device into heat and then temperature (hence the name ‘heater’) has then become a peculiar element of PCM, and the choices for its construction have deep implications, not only on IRESET but also on the overall performance of the device.

The presence, the position, and the actual geometrical structure of the heater allow the creation of useful classification of PCM architectures that we will exploit in our analysis:

  • Self-heating

  • Built-in heater

  • Remote heater

We will explore these categories through this chapter, and we will highlight advantages and disadvantages for each of them.

Phase Change Memory, Device Physics, Reliability and Applications’ book
Published by Springer International Publishing AG.:
This book describes the physics of phase change memory devices, starting from basic operation to reliability issues. The book gives a comprehensive overlook of PCM with particular attention to the electrical transport and the phase transition physics between the two states. The book also contains design engineering details on PCM cell architecture, PCM cell arrays (including electrical circuit management), as well as the full spectrum of possible future applications.

