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IBM DS8880F Family Supports 3.8TB 2.5-Inch SSDs

For three all-flash models

IBM DS8880F family supports additional high-density flash enclosures, a new flash drive option to meet flash demand, and other features and functions

The IBM DS8880 all-flash family of products offers:

  • Increased number of high-performance flash enclosure gen2 with DS8884F, DS8886F, and DS8888F offerings
  • An additional 3.8TB 2.5-inch high-capacity flash option for DS8884F Model 984, DS8886F models 985/986/85E/86E, and DS888F models 988/88E
    Processor refresh for DS8888F
  • Lower latency with zHyperlink on DS8886 models with 16-core and 128GB or 256GB cache attached to mainframe
  • Support added to TCT to improve business efficiency and flexibility
  • Cascading FlashCopy support for flash copy back from target to source without having to destroy other target volumes
  • GUI that incorporates Easy Tier reports
  • Cache technology refresh

The zHyperlink enhancements in this release partially fulfill the Statements of General Direction found in Hardware Announcement 117-003, dated January 10, 2017.

Key prerequisites
All released features and functions supported on the IBM DS8000 series require DS8000 LMC 8.8.30.xx.xx (bundle version 88.30.xxx.xx), or later, except zHyperlink read functionality, which requires DS8000 LMC 8.8.31.xx.xx (bundle version 88.31.xxx.xx), or later.

Planned availability date: September 8, 2017, for all features and functions except zHyperlink read functionality

Note: zHyperlink read functionality requires LMC 88.31.xxx or higher, available on December 8, 2017
