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Open-E: DSS V7 SOHO Free Storage Solution

Delivers basic functionalities of DSS V7 for customers who plan to set up NAS/SAN platform

Open-E, Inc. released a storage solution for small office and home office use: DSS V7 SOHO.


The software V7 SOHO (Small Office Home Office) is a free version of the DSS V7, and the successor of DSS V7 Lite. With the product, users can benefit from basic functionalities of a fully featured NAS/SAN software platform.

But the software offers more:

  • Free 4TB storage capacity

  • 4, 8, 16 or 32TB storage extensions for easy and affordable scalability (up to 36TB maximum storage size)

  • Hardware-independent, so customers can use the hardware of their choice

  • Single ticket basic support available

  • Essential features of DSS V7

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With 4TB manageable storage space, the capacity of DSS V7 SOHO is doubled, compared to the previous Lite version. The software can be extended by purchasing affordable storage extensions of 4, 8, 16 or 32TB. With its scale-out architecture it can be used with a maximum size of 36TB.

Users will not be stuck with specific hardware, as is the case with many integrated solutions for SOHO use where vendors are combining their software with lower-quality hardware to keep a competitive price.

With Open-E DSS V7 SOHO, users are completely free to decide which hardware they want to buy. Due to the high compatibility of our product almost anything is possible,” said Krzysztof Franek, CEO and president, Open-E.

To ensure quick help for end-users, the company introduced an affordable support option for the product. Thanks to the special ‘Single Case Basic Support’, customers will receive e-mail assistance for technical problems with DSS V7 SOHO. Additionally, the company offers free resources for technical support such as a forum, knowledgebase and other free documents and videos on their website.

Users who are currently using DSS V7 2TB Lite can upgrade to DSS V7 4TB SOHO by downloading the latest version from the company’s website.
