… And Former SEC Attorney Willie Briscoe and Powers Taylor
Acquisition by Western Digital may be unfair to shareholders.
This is a Press Release edited by StorageNewsletter.com on October 26, 2015 at 2:48 pmFormer United States SEC attorney Willie Briscoe and the securities litigation firm of Powers Taylor LLP are investigating potential claims against the board of directors of SanDisk Corp. concerning the acquisition by Western Digital Corp.
Under the terms of the agreement, valued at approximately $19 billion, SanDisk shareholders will only receive $67.50 in cash and 0.2387 shares of Western Digital common stock per SanDisk stock held if the previously announced investment in Western Digital by Unisplendour Corporation Limited has not occurred prior to the acquisition. However, if the Unisplendour transaction closes prior to this acquisition, SanDisk shareholders will only receive $85.10 in cash and 0.0176 shares of Western Digital common stock for each SanDisk stock held. The consideration is lower than at least one analyst’s estimated value of $90.00.
The investigation centers on whether SanDisk’s board of directors is acting in the shareholders’ best interests, whether the board considered alternatives to the acquisition, and whether the board has employed an adequate process to review and act on the proposed transaction.
Notably, at least one analyst with Yahoo! Finance believes the true inherent value of SanDisk could be as high as $90.00 per share