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OCZ Assigned Patent

Acceleration of VMs in virtual environments

OCZ Storage Solutions Inc., a Toshiba company, San Jose, CA, has been assigned a patent (9,141,529) developed by Klein, Yaron, Raanana, Israel, Cohen, Allon Leon, Modin, IL, Calder, Gary James, Eastleigh, Great Britain, and Schuette, Franz Michael, Colorado Springs, CO, for a “methods and apparatus for providing acceleration of virtual machines in virtual environments.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: ”A host server computer system that includes a hypervisor within a virtual space architecture running at least one virtualization, acceleration and management server and at least one virtual machine, at least one virtual disk that is read from and written to by the virtual machine, a cache agent residing in the virtual machine, wherein the cache agent intercepts read or write commands made by the virtual machine to the virtual disk, and a solid state drive. The solid state drive includes a non-volatile memory storage device, a cache device and a memory device driver providing a cache primitives application programming interface to the cache agent and a control interface to the virtualization, acceleration and management server.“

The patent application was filed on August 14, 2012 (13/584,867).
