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Auro Enterprise Cloud Releasing SSD Block Storage

Redundant persistent storage service for applications and databases requiring frequent R/Ws

Auro, trademark of Idigital Internet Inc , announced its SSD Block Storage.

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AURO_BLOCK_STORAGEWith tier 1 high performance, this addition to Auro’s cloud computing product suite will guarantee IO/s and give customers faster storage for their database and applications.

Powered by OpenStack, Auro first launched its services in late 2014 with Canadian datacenters located in Vancouver, BC, its Western Canada region. Already, they are expanding their cloud by building out their second region in Eastern Canada in Toronto, ONT, which will come online in the upcoming weeks. The Canadian cloud computing platform allows customers to achieve multi-region deployments across Canada while staying all within company’s compliant infrastructure. The upgrade is expected to further strengthen company’s services in Canada’s competitive cloud hosting scene and allow them to offer more to customers as an IaaS (infrastructure asa service) provider.

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As part of the public cloud’s service upgrades, it is including a new option for clients: its SSD Block Storage. Company’s block storage is a highly available, redundant persistent storage service made for applications and databases that require frequent reads and writes. This is often the case for applications that need fast access to a file system, database, or raw block-level storage. With block storage, clients can attach and access volumes from running instances for additional storage, copy and backup data quickly and reliably with volume snapshots, create persistent instances to better save data and access stored and cached data faster.

Company’s standard block cloud storage provides high IO/s using leading storage technologies running on enterprise-grade x86 hardware using ZFS for higher performance. To meet customer demands, it provides the option for performance SSD block storage with Tier one performance that allows applications to run with guaranteed IO/s and fast storage for databases.
