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Samsung WW Leader for SSDs in 2Q15 in Units and Capacity Shipped – Trendfocus

Overall average capacity increasing to 268GB per drive

In an executive summary, part of its NAND SSD Information Service, published on August 9, 2015, US analyst firm Trendfocus, Inc. evaluates the market of SSDs during 2Q15.

Total SSD Shipments in 2Q15 Post Slight Increase
Despite Lower Notebook PC Sales

Enterprise SATA SSD shipments post record quarter

  • SSD shipments inched higher to 23.859 million units, up 2.9%, posting growth in an otherwise weak market for storage.
  • Total SSD capacity shipped increased by 13.3% to 6.4EB, with the overall average capacity also increasing to 268GB.
  • Enterprise SAS and PCIe unit shipments declined, while enterprise SATA SSDs posted a sizeable rebound, giving the eSSD segment a 33% Q-Q increase in unit shipments, totaling 2.957 million units.
  • cSSD (client DFF) shipments increased by 11.3% to 11.529 million units, lifted by channel market sales.
  • Client modules were slightly down to 9.023 million units as a reflection of the weaker notebook PC sales.

Total SSD Supplier Market Share

2Q15 Total SSD Market 23.859 Million Units
ssd units


2Q15 Total SSD Market 6.4EB
capacity ssd

(Source: Trendfocus)
