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Cray Hired Storage Experts From Terascala

To expand in high-performance storage and data management solutions for big data and HPC

Cray Inc. has strengthened its Lustre and overall storage and data management expertise with the addition of key individuals from Terascala, Inc., a Boston, MA-based storage company regarded for developing easy-to-use and easy-to-manage storage solutions.

Through an agreement with Terascala, Cray hired a majority of the company’s employees. The new additions to Cray’s storage organization have the knowledge and experience to help expand the company’s position in delivering high-performance storage and data management solutions for big data and supercomputing.

Also, as a result of this transaction, Cray has opened its first office in the Boston area with a number of Cray employees focused on storage R&D efforts.

Parallel file systems and tiered storage technologies continue to grow in importance for supercomputing and big data workloads. To meet our customer demands and build the overall strength of our storage team, we are bringing on talented and highly-skilled Lustre engineers,” said Ryan Waite, Cray’s SVP of products. “Cray has worked hard to become a trusted expert in file system and fast-data storage scalability, and a broad range of customers in government, academia, and commercial markets continue to select Cray to deploy, integrate, and scale high performance storage solutions. Adding the Terascala engineers to our team is an important step in continuing to build our leadership in scalable data access.”

Cray’s portfolio of storage solutions addresses all aspects of data-intensive workflows, from high-performance storage to deep tape archive. The Sonexion 2000 storage solution combines Cray’s Lustre expertise with an integrated design that allows for scalability and performance. Management and operations are simplified through an appliance design integrating all storage components including software, storage, and infrastructure.

Complementing the Sonexion 2000 system is Cray’s line of storage and data management solutions. The company’s announced DataWarp applications I/O accelerator bridges the growing performance gap between compute resources and disk-based storage. Cray’s Tiered Adaptive Storage solution includes the TAS Connector for Lustre to simplify managing data from high performance storage to deep tape archives.

Current Terascala customers will continue to be supported by Terascala.
