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From Japan NTT Resonant, Backup and Restore App Data on Mobile Testing

Available on Remote TestKit

App developers with accounts on Remote TestKit, from NTT Resonant, Inc., a cloud-based application mobile testing service, can backup and restore app data on test devices.


This will reduce the amount of time required for preparation when testing.

Backup and restore features:
When a user ends their testing session on Remote TestKit, in order to protect each customer’s privacy, the product delete all apps and data installed by the user to prepare it for the next usage. Before, this meant that users needed to reinstall the app(s) they want to test each time they use the service, but with the new backup feature, users can save their session and reload it next time they use Remote TestKit. This feature essentially eliminates the setup time that was previously required.

In order to protect each customer’s privacy, it deletes all apps and data installed by users after they end their test session. This means that users needed to reinstall their apps every time they logged in to Remote TestKit, but with this feature, users can save their session and reload apps and data where they ended last time. This will save time for setting up a device to test games and website. The backup and restore feature will be available to all customers on a Flat-rate Plan(1).

Features on iOS devices:

Make testing on iOS devices easier:

  • It is possible to output a log file for an iOS device using the web interface.

  • iOS provisioning profile setup (2) screen added.

(1) Flat-rate Plan: A plan to use our 300+ devices as much as you want for a monthly fee.

(2) A provisioning profile must be registered to an iOS device in order to install an app on it. This file includes an application ID, a device identifier, and a development certificate.
