WW Purpose-Built Backup Appliance Revenue Increases 11% From 3Q13 to 3Q14 – IDC
Ranking: EMC (63%), Symantec (23%), IBM (6%), HP and Quantum (3%)
This is a Press Release edited by StorageNewsletter.com on December 22, 2014 at 3:12 pmWorldwide purpose-built backup appliance (PBBA) factory revenues grew 11.2% year over year totaling $789.2 million in 3Q14, according to the International Data Corporation‘s (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Purpose-Built Backup Appliance Tracker.
Total PBBA open systems factory revenue increased 12.9% year over year in 3Q14 with revenues totaling $706.6 million while the mainframe market experienced a decline of -1.1% for the same period.
Total worldwide PBBA capacity shipped, for open systems and mainframe PBBA systems, reached 687,473 terabytes, an increase of 81.5% Y/Y.
“Growth in the worldwide PBBA market remained strong in the third quarter, posting a double-digit year-over-year growth rate in factory revenue,” said Liz Conner, research manager, storage systems. “Customers continue to resonate with the importance of data protection, backup, and recovery, while improved vendor offerings allow for greater flexibility and customization in meeting customer data protection needs.”
Total Worldwide PBBA 3Q14 Results
EMC maintained its lead in the overall PBBA market with 62.5% revenue share in the third quarter, followed by Symantec with 12.9% share. IBM and HP posted 6.4% and 3.3% market share, respectively. Quantum moved into the number 5 PBBA vendor position with a 2.6% share of the worldwide market.
WW PBBA Factory Revenue, 3Q14
(in $ million)
(Source: IDC Worldwide Purpose Built Backup Appliance Quarterly Tracker, December 18, 2014)