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… And Another One on Self-Booting OS Image Backup

Number 8,775,783

CMS Products, Inc. announced the issuance by the US Patent Office of a patent that covers a method for allowing a Windows based personal computer to be restarted, operated and restored from a self-booting backup residing on a USB external storage device.

The patent for invention number 8,775,783 is titled Method and apparatus for creating a self-booting OS on an external USB storage device that is capable of performing a complete restore to an internal system disk.

This patent covers backup applications that use externally connected USB storage devices such as a HDD/SSD for storing a compressed image backup or a file by-file backup of a Windows system disk. The system incrementally updates these backups, including the system registry, and places this information on the external USB storage device that then becomes bootable by the Windows system.

This latest patent has granted our claims in connection with a technology that allows for an almost instant recovery of a disabled Windows personal computer caused by a failed internal storage device (HDD/SSD),” said Ken Burke, president, CMS. “IP investments continue to be a significant focus of our company, which adds confirmation to CMS Product’s long-standing leadership in the field of data at rest security, data management and PC backup and recovery.

CMS also owns patents centered on USB boot, backup and secure erase technologies used to manage valuable user data or corporate IP.
