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BridgeSTOR: GoldenGate Cloud Tape Library

48TB appliance for $40,000

BridgeSTOR, LLC announced the GoldenGate Cloud Tape Library (CTL), a solution for storing backup and archive data on public and/or private cloud storage through a VTL interface.

BridgeSTOR: GoldenGate Cloud Tape Library

This is the latest addition to the company’s family of gateway products that enables access to cloud storage at both file and block levels. It provides integration into existing backup infrastructures using a virtual media changer, virtual tape cartridges created in the cloud and virtual tape drives. It interoperates with existing client backup software as well as with Microsoft’s Data Protection Manager (DPM).

It enables the business enterprise to retain the durability, control and security inherent in tape media while leveraging the cost, availability and accessibility advantages of cloud storage.

Unlike competing cloud tape products, this enables backup and archive data to be recovered and restored at the individual file level, eliminating the requirement to download an entire virtual tape cartridge from cloud storage. In addition, data can be recovered at the speed of the network without requiring cloud-provider-induced access delays.

Other features and capabilities include:

  • 1) The ability to use local disk storage to enable backups to be performed at local network speeds and/or to enable VTL capabilities without using the cloud;
  • 2) In-line data compression that can double the capacity of cloud and/or local storage (assuming the industry-standard 2:1 data compression ratio);
  • 3) Data encryption used when in-flight and at-rest whenever sending data to cloud storage.

When coupled with the synchronization server, it offers a multi-site backup and archive, immediate file recognition and availability sharing capability.

  • This is delivered as a physical appliance or as a Hyper-V or VMware virtual appliance.

  • Pricing starts at $9,995 MSRP with unlimited capacity, unlimited users and unlimited clients.

  • A physical CTL appliance with 48TB of storage capacity is available at $39,995 MSRP.

The GoldenGate CTL combines the benefits of cloud storage availability and reliability with the enhanced data protection benefits of off-premises storage,” says John Matze, CEO, BridgeSTOR. “The GoldenGate CTL is a backup and archive game-changer that leverages existing backup resources and processes through the benefits of the cloud. We are pleased to announce this latest addition to BridgeSTOR’s family of cloud access gateway products.
